Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Cooking Expeiments(BAKING):)

When it comes to cooking iam not an expert cook.....but after 6years of marriage still an experimenting cook(ofcourse 'experimenting' looks more fascinating than 'average') .In my husbands words no curry tastes the same way as it tasted the first time(once it is more time it is no salt ;))Whenever i try to experiment any new variety...he is sure to call in the lunch time and tell me that unexpextedly they are going for a team lunch...and he will not be able to come for lunch.In the initial days i thought poor guy he cannot taste the my new receipe.But it was poor me ...i never realised the team lunch was trick to escape my cooking.
Now i have 2 food testers at hand(my kids).......whatever i make they give their undisputed judgement.(either spit it or eat it.)There father has grown cleverer too.......he tries anything based on the judgement.
Now coming to my experiment i always wanted to make a cake.a simple ordinary cake.which i had a fancy since my childhood days.My aunt (fathers sister)used to make yummy cakes...but somehow it never worked out the same way in my house(my mother was an employee).So i always was eager to try my hand at it.When i came to US the first thing that made me happy was the oven we have here.after few days of settling down here the insect(caking baking)started biting me.As usual my husband was convinced that if once the baking process started i will start my experiments too.So when ever i bought the topic of getting the cakepan......he always used to convince me "why u want to take so much pains India v make cakes bcause v dont get fresh.Here in US u get huge number of varieties..and flavors why do u trouble ur self with baking .when u can get it from the shop.Dont strain yourself with the kid around..try to take rest".
With that discussion i would convince my self that i needed rest.
But u know the insect didnt keep quiet even if i wanted one fine morning i borrowed a cakepan from my dear neighbour and began my adventure.I had the recipe from my then i knew how to opertae the oven.i just mixed the ingredients and baked it.It was a disaster...i didnt knew i had to use a blender for the batter.i wanted to try again the next day before returning the pan.i tried again that was a blunder.then i understood the wise sayings of my saint husband and promised myself that i will not try baking again.
i have a cousin...who is a good cook.i happened to stay at her place few days........when i told her my story abt my cakebaking.........she was rolling with laughter.She showed me the actual procedure.........but i never dared to go into baking two years after my big promise......i bought a cakepan........ofcourse without my husbands knowledge.Today was the big day childhood second eanings in baking came true.I had made the cake..(Bigthing being it was edible)I made the cake..........i wanted to go to the top of the building and shout i made it.My judges had given meA+.this was a crowning success.(i couldnt shout aloud.......thinking that might be lodged as nuissance case.)I am writing in my blog so that the "D"day is remembered (and celebrated by the coming generations!)
And some people are unhappy though.....thinking were my second eanings would take me too.


vennela said...

Hey, congrats on your success! After first cake you are pretty much free of all fears. So keep trying new recipes :D

Hanumanth said...

I enjoyed your narration and surprised with your skills.

vennela said...

Nice to know you have tried your childhood dream. I am sure that cake tasted awesome. I know the feeling when you accomplish something for the first time like when I made my first 'sambar' with equal portions of salt, chili powder and believe it or not turmeric too!!! My mom was was quite upset that I made a mess out of it but they consumed the terrible tasting 'sambar'. I am sure she was happy I saved her the effort after a long work day and an hour long ride on our very own RTC buses.

Pratima thinks I am making a blog post instead of a comment. I will end here but don't expect a long comment next time.

Have fun baking.


Rachana said...

Next time i would want to taste your sambar ...ofcourse with less turmeric.